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Collaborating with a Nonfiction Editor: Maximizing the Editor-Author Relationship.

Streamline your ideas, clarify intricate concepts, and enhance the readability of your work.

Woman sits at desk and writes nonfiction book.

When there are more eyes on your book, it is easier to detect a mistake. While self-editing is essential, working with an editor introduces fresh perspectives and expertise that take your writing to an entirely new level.

Let’s explore the valuable reasons for engaging in a collaborative editor-author relationship.

What a nonfiction editor does for you

Editors provide an unbiased evaluation of your work. When I work with my clients, my goal is to provide them with constructive feedback that identifies inconsistencies and highlights areas in need of improvement.

I also work with them to streamline their ideas, clarify intricate concepts, and enhance the overall readability of their writing. 

And of course, what would editing be without a thorough assessment of grammar, punctuation, and style? When I work with clients, I make sure that the writing is clear, concise, error-free, and matches their voice and style.

Working with an editor should be collaborative. While they may make changes to your work, you will also need to take part in the editing and rewriting process. Your editor becomes your ally, your sounding board, and your Devil's advocate but they shouldn't take over the entire process for you.

Woman stands at computer and types nonfiction book

1. Identify the right editor

Look for an individual who comprehends your genre, style, and vision. Many editors have a specialty or only work with select types of work. For instance, I focus on nonfiction books in the business, human resources, or health and wellness niches because this is where I have experience.

You don't want a nonfiction finance editor working on your novella just like you wouldn't want a sci-fi editor examining your crypto guide.

2. Effective communication

In my experience, clear and open communication is what makes an editor-author relationship successful. Establish channels of communication that encourage transparency, and discuss your goals, expectations, and concerns from the onset.

Maintain regular contact throughout the editing process whether through emailed reports or video calls.

3. Embrace constructive criticism

The feedback provided by an editor is invaluable, even (especially!) if it challenges you. Embrace constructive criticism with an open mind.

Remember, your editor's suggestions aim to enhance your work, not diminish it. Engage in positive and proactive dialogues and ask questions if you're not totally on board with an editor's suggestions.

4. Trust the editor's expertise

While it’s natural to be protective of your work, trust in the expertise of your editor.

Grant them the creative freedom to offer suggestions and improvements. Trusting your editor's process makes it more likely that your finished book will be the best it can be.


Remember, a strong editor-author relationship can transform your work into a punchy masterpiece, and one that resonates profoundly with your readers.

So don’t hesitate to hire that second pair of eyes!

Get a quote for your manuscript today.

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